Telephone Voting Guide

Telephone Voting

Telephone voting with CondoVoter allows eligible voters to cast their ballots by phone, without the need to access an internet device.


To participate in telephone voting, you will need:

1. A telephone (cell phone or landline)

2. The dial-in voting phone number: 1-844-902-4315

3. Your telephone voting access code

This information can be retrieved from your community's management.


Follow the below instructions:

1) Dial in to vote by phone at 1-844-902-4315. You will then hear a recording that asks for your 6-digit access code. Please enter the code provided to you by your community's management.

2) Once your access code is entered, you will hear the operator confirm the building corporation number and your unit number. If any of that information is incorrect, please hang up and contact your community's management.

3) The operator will then announce the different ballots for elections of directors and/or by-laws. Each director position and by-law will be voted on separately, so please listen carefully as the information is provided.

4) After each item is announced by the operator, you may respond with the following:

For elections:

  • Press 1 to vote for the candidate
  • Press 2 to skip the candidate
  • Press 3 to abstain from the ballot

For Yes/No or For/Against votes:

  • Press 1 to vote in favour 
  • Press 2 to vote against
  • Press 3 to abstain from the ballot

The operator will confirm your vote after each selection is entered. If you wish to recast your vote (if applicable), you can call into the same number again and use your unique access code. The most recently entered complete vote will override any past votes that have been entered.

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