Virtual Meeting

*If you have received an email containing a link to register for your meeting and are looking for further information and/or assistance in registering and/or attending the meeting, please review CondoVoter's Registering for the Virtual Meeting Guide and/or Attending the Virtual Meeting guides. For further frequently asked questions related to virtual meetings, please see below. 

What platform is the meeting hosted on? 

CondoVoter will host the virtual meeting over the Zoom platform.

Do I need a computer to access the virtual meeting? 

In order to access the virtual meeting online, you will require an internet device. If you do not have an internet device and/or would like to access the virtual meeting by telephone, you are able to do so by entering the Zoom meeting's dial-in number on your telephone. 

How do attendees participate in the meeting?

There are various ways in which attendees can participate at a virtual meeting. Attendees will most often have the opportunity to raise their hand using the "raise hand" feature, to participate in motions and/or speak at the virtual meeting. 

Can I dial into the meeting? 

You are able to join the meeting by telephone, by dialling into the meeting using the virtual meeting dial-in number.  Attendees that dial into the meeting will only have access to audio and not be able to see items that are displayed on screen. 

Do attendees need a microphone? 

If attendees wish to speak at the virtual meeting, they will need a microphone on their internet device. The majority of computers, laptops, IPads, etc. have microphones built-in to their devices.

Who will be visible at the meeting?

Visibility settings can vary by community and type of meeting. Typically, only panelists will be visible by default and attendees will not be visible on screen. 

How are motions handled in a virtual meeting? 

Just like an in-person meeting, motions are done by a show of hands at the meeting. There are various ways in which motions can be conducted at a meeting and will differ by meeting. Most often, attendees will be asked to participate in motions by clicking the "raise hand" button at the bottom of their screen or alternatively, motions will be conducted by way of live polling at the meeting. 

Can you participate in motions by telephone?

If you are attending the virtual meeting by telephone, you will still have the opportunity to participate in the "raise hand" feature. Pressing "*9" on your telephone keypad will raise your hand and allow you to participate in motions that are being conducted by a show-of-hands.

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